Project Packaging
2019 - 2021
Key aim of Project Packaging
To encourage businesses and individuals to use less packaging and single-use items.
Key Members involved
Hailin Pek | Jessica Cheam | Chitra Venkatesh | Dr Toh Tai Chong
List of activities
Plastic purge
One initiative considered was the revival of a Climate Action SG Alliance Year 1 campaign. This campaign aimed to recognise businesses who are first-movers or pioneers in adopting packaging legislation or EPR before actual legislation kicks in.
ZeroWasteSG used 2020 to regroup and to review their objectives, as well as to consider their public engagement strategy given the pandemic constraints. Despite the constraints, ZeroWasteSG was able to pilot a bring-your-own-container initiative in five hawker centres. This was ongoing until the end of February. ZeroWasteSG has also revisited their schools programme, which focuses on driving sustainable habits, and are looking into ways of refining and expanding the programme.
WWF was active throughout 2020 and launched educational and outreach initiatives including its Alternative Materials Tool to help consumers make more science-based decisions. It also worked to support the introduction of a charge for plastic bags, and released a guide for the fashion industry to reduce packaging waste.
WWF was also able to take community outreach online successfully, and connect the sustainability issue with bread-and-butter issues such as jobs availability. The Schools for Climate Action programme is ongoing and WWF plans to expand it to carbon reduction and offset.
You may access WWF Plastic campaign’s activation videos here: on WWF's Facebook page, on Sethlui.com, on Mothership.sg, on mustsharenews.