The people behind Climate Action SG Alliance.

CASA Members through the years
Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State, MSE (Advisor)
Melissa Low, Research Fellow, NUS Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions (Chair)
Ng Lay San, Managing Director, Group Sustainability, OCBC (Co-chair)
Veerappan Swaminathan, Founder, Sustainable Living Lab (Co-chair)
Cassandra Yip, Founder, Earth School SG, Student Energy NUS
Chiang Heng Liang, CCC Chairman for Kolam Ayer
Chitra Venkatesh, Deputy Director, Knowledge and Strategic Initiatives, Global Compact Network Singapore
Dawn Chia, Head of Communications APAC (Worldwide Sales), Autodesk
Erin Gunanto, Partnerships and Programme Manager, EB Impact
Esther Chang, Executive Director, Global Compact Network Singapore
Fuziah Bte Muhamad Taha, Education Consultant and Trainer
Gavin Chua, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Facebook
Georgette Tan, President, United Women for Singapore
Gia Hue Nhan, Founder,
Ho Xiang Tian, Co-founder, LepakInSG
Dr Jani Tanzil, Senior Research Fellow, St. John’s Island National Marine Laboratory, Tropical Marine Science Institute
Jannik Termansen, Senior Director, Regional Head of Government Affairs & Markets (APAC) & Managing Director, Singapore, 3M
Jayaprakash Bojan, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of Year
Kwong Kok Chan, Deputy General Manager, PacificLight
Priscilla Tan, Sustainability Manager, City Developments Ltd
Robin Rheaume, Administrator, Journey to Zero Waste Life in Singapore
Rohaya Saharom, Vice President of Sustainable Solutions, Mandai Wildlife
Samantha Thian, Senior Sustainability Manager APAC & MEA, Electrolux
Tan Shi Zhou, Founder, ACCESS Sustainability; Sustainability & Impact Lead, Flint
Thaddeus Koh, Co-founder and Head of Programs, e27
Trina Liang, Managing Director, Sidra Capital
Trisha Suresh, Head of SEA, Public Policy & Economy Graph, LinkedIn
Woo Qiyun, Climate activist, The Weird and Wild
Yasser Amin, Chief Stridy Officer, Stridy
Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State, MSE (Advisor)
Melissa Low, Research Fellow, NUS Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions (Chair)
Ng Lay San, Senior Vice President, Sembcorp Industries (Co-chair)
Veerappan Swaminathan, Founder, Sustainable Living Lab (Co-chair)
Cassandra Yip, Founder, Earth School SG, Student Energy NUS
Cheryl Lee, Community Manager, Up2Degrees; SYCA
Chiang Heng Liang, CCC Chairman for Kolam Ayer
Chitra Venkatesh, Deputy Director, Knowledge and Strategic Initiatives, Global Compact Network Singapore
Dian Anderson, Associate Director, EB Impact
Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Ltd
Esther Chang, Executive Director, Global Compact Network Singapore
Fuziah Bte Muhamad Taha, Education Consultant and Trainer
Ganga Nirmal Kumar, Head of Government Affairs, 3M
Gavin Chua, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Facebook
Georgette Tan, President, United Women for Singapore
Gia Hue Nhan, Founder,
Ho Xiang Tian, Co-founder, LepakInSG
Dr Jani Tanzil, Senior Research Fellow, St. John’s Island National Marine Laboratory, Tropical Marine Science Institute
Jayaprakash Bojan, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of Year
Kwong Kok Chan, Deputy General Manager, PacificLight
Robin Rheaume, Administrator, Journey to Zero Waste Life in Singapore
Rohaya Saharom, Vice President of Sustainable Solutions, Mandai Wildlife
Samantha Thian, Senior Sustainability Manager APAC & MEA, Electrolux
Tan Shi Zhou, Chief Sustainability Officer, Flint
Trisha Suresh, Head of SEA, Public Policy & Economy Graph, LinkedIn
Woo Qiyun, Climate activist, The Weird and Wild
Yasser Amin, Chief Stridy Officer, Stridy
Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State, MSE (Advisor)
Jessica Cheam, Managing Director, Eco-Business (Chair)
Chiang Heng Liang, CCC Chairman for Kolam Ayer
Chitra Venkatesh, Head, Education, WWF-Singapore
Daniel Lee, Lead, Digital Marketing & Social Media, Singapore Environment Council
Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Ltd
Esther Chang, Executive Director, Global Compact Network Singapore
Fuziah Bte Muhamad Taha, Education Consultant and Trainer
Ganga Nirmal Kumar, Head of Government Affairs, 3M
Gavin Chua, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Facebook
Georgette Tan, President, United Women for Singapore
Huileng Tan, Partnerships AD, ZeroWasteSG
Jayaprakash Joghee Bojan, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Kwong Kok Chan, Deputy General Manager, PacificLight
Marcus Tay, Assistant Vice President, Mandai Park Development
Melissa Low, Research Fellow, Energy Studies Institute
Ng Lay San, Senior Vice President, Sembcorp Industries
Robin Rheaume, Administrator, Journey to Zero Waste Life in Singapore
Samantha Thian, Founder, Seastainable
Swati Mandloi, Member, Youth Delegate, Youth for Climate Action
Veerappan Swaminathan, Founder, Sustainable Living Lab
Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State, MEWR (Advisor)
Jessica Cheam, Managing Editor, Eco-Business (Chair)
Chiang Heng Liang, CCC Chairman for Kolam Ayer
Chitra Venkatesh, Head, Education, WWF-Singapore
Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Limited
Fuziah Bte Muhamad Taha, Associate, Pre-School Education, MOE
Hailin Pek, Manager, ZeroWasteSG
Inch Chua, Musician
Jayaprakash Joghee Bojan, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Jen Teo, Executive Director, Singapore Environment Council
Jiacai Lau, Co-founder, TreeDots
Koo Hui Ying, Kampung Connector, GroundUP Initiative
Marcus Tay, Assistant Vice President, Mandai Park Development
Ng Lay San, Senior Vice President, Group Corporate Relations, Sembcorp Industries
Shawn Lum, President, Nature Society
Stephanie Dickson, Founder, Green is the New Black
Swati Mandloi, Member & Youth Delegate, Singapore Youth for Climate Action
Tan Szue Hann, Director of Sustainable Development, Marina Bay Sands
Dr Toh Tai Chong, Senior Lecturer, NUS
Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State, MEWR (Advisor)
Jessica Cheam, Managing Editor, Eco-Business (Chair)
Chiang Heng Liang, CCC Chairman for Kolam Ayer
Chitra Venkatesh, Head, Education, WWF-Singapore
Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Limited
Fuziah Bte Muhamad Taha, Associate, Pre-School Education, MOE
Hailin Pek, Manager, ZeroWasteSG
Jayaprakash Joghee Bojan, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Jen Teo, Executive Director, Singapore Environment Council
Mike Barclay, CEO, Mandai Park Holdings
Ng Lay San, Senior Vice President, Group Corporate Relations, Sembcorp Industries
Nor Lastrina Hamid, Co-Founder of Singapore Youth for Climate Action and #LepakInSG
Dr Shawn Lum, Senior Lecturer, Asian School of the Environment at NTU’s College of Science
Stephanie Dickson, Founder, Green is the New Black
Tan Szue Hann, Director of Sustainable Development, Marina Bay Sands
Wu George, General Manager, TES
Yeo Yun Lin, CFO, World Wide Fund for Nature Singapore